Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Dear All,

As many of you will be aware, I am about to go on my Year Abroad to Chile. Last time I went travelling to exotic lands on my Gap Year (Gap Yah!) I remember writing some side-splittingly funny e-mails about my travel antics and thought that it was a great way to keep in touch with everybody, wherever they may be. Therefore, for the coming year, I intend to do the same. If at any point you feel that my e-mails are clogging up your inbox, you can always reply with the word 'stop' or any other insulting phrase that you feel may get through to me!

I leave on the 18th July, so exactly 20 days from today. My dear mother is so excited about my lengthy absence that she has suggested that I start packing, these suggestions take the form of post-it notes lurking in places where I frequent such as: the fridge, the microwave and the whisky cupboard. In all fairness to 'Her Motherness' I think it is about time that I start at least thinking about the 'P' word.

The plan when I am out there is to attend a university and, for the first semester, work at a school called Redland teaching English, Music and Sport like, for those that know her, my sister Sophie did. This means that for the first 5 months or so, I will be staying with a host family that I now know have 6 children so I will have to speak Spanish and I think it will definitely help me to improve! The first semesters at both the university and the school finish in early December (the Chilean Summer) so the plan is to travel to Argentina, where I have been advised to avoid flying The White Ensign, through Uruguay to Brazil, where I will do a vacation course in Portuguese and back to Chile, hopefully visiting Bolivia as I go.

The second semester at the university will start in early March and unfortunately I won't be able to stay with the host family or work at the school for the their second semester. However, it will mean that I can focus fully on work (as all university students do) from March-July.

It's now time to throw as many goodbye parties as my parents will allow, earn a bit of cash and, of course, p**k!

Hope to see as many of you as possible before I go.

Love to all,

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